Facts You Didn't Know About China.

Facts You Didn't Know About China.

Blog Article

1. 94% of the entire Chinese population live in the same 43% of the of China.

Don't forget to grab a China eSim when you're visiting, to enjoy seamless connection.

2. Hong Kong was ruled by the British in 1841 and given back to China in 1997.

3. Macau was ruled by the Portuguese from 1887 and similarly given back in 1999.

4. Today Macau is the most densely populated region in the entire world.

5. China has the highest and third lowest point in the world. Mount Everest stands at 8,848m (29,029 ft) and the Turpan depression is -154m (-505 ft) below sea level.

6. There is a new skyscraper built in China every five days.

7. In the top 10 tallest buildings in the world, China holds positions 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th.

8. Chinese Railway lines could loop around the earth twice.

9. China has 26,869 km (16,696 mi) of the worlds 41,222 km (25,614 mi) high speed rail meaning it has 65%.

10. China used more cement between 2011 and 2013 than the U.S. used in the entire 20th Century.

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